
Entry #10 The Finale....

Hello friends, family, teacher, NFL fans, Ben&H, I write tonight in a somber tone, knowing this will likely be the last Blog about Nothin. We always wish highs could last forever, but just like all good things in life, they must come to an end. The football season is not over, but the semester has come to an end, and sadly, I have lost the incentive to carry this journey on. Anyways lets chat FOOTBALL Let's be real, the Eagles are sitting on a goldmine of talent, but their offensive strategy is like watching paint dry. Short crosses and drags on 3rd and long might fool the weaker defenses, but against powerhouses like San Francisco and Dallas in the last couple of weeks, it's been a total disaster. The predictability of the Philly offense should have fans biting their nails. Time for a wake-up call in the playbook!. Otherwise Its gonna get real ugly real fast. The current MVP frontrunner, as per Vegas and the Fanduel sports book, is Dak Prescott, closely followed by Brock P

Entry #9 The Blog About Nothing....

 This little ad brought a smile to my face, featuring a hilarious cartoon of a colossal pigeon indulging in a meal from a McDonald's parking lot, while its slender pigeon companion advises it to explore alternative dining locations. The satire embedded in this short and sweet illustration subtly reflects on the current state of America. The escalating trend of obesity in the country is undoubtedly influenced by the prevalence of fast-food establishments. Below I dropped in a graphic that really highlights to the growing rates of obesity in America and its a scary sight to see. In the cartoon, the portrayal of the pigeon's struggle with its food choices cleverly mirrors the challenges faced by individuals in making healthier decisions amid the convenience and taste allure of fast food. I can't deny that, like many others, I too occasionally succumb to the temptations of fast food. The humor in this cartoon serves as a lighthearted yet impactful commentary on the broader issu

Entry #8 The Blog About Nothing....

 WE ARE BAACK  Football is deep into the season now so how about we look at who we think is IN and who has a SLIM chance of success. Lets start with an underdog... The broncos  The broncos were get their booties beat early in the season. Losing to teams like the jets. And getting record breaking scores put on their heads to the dolphins when they lost 70-20! Since beating the chiefs in an upset victory when NFL"s savior Patrick Mahomes was sick they have really got the gears moving and are certainly taking a step towards the wildcard. In a division that excluding the Kansas city Chiefs is pretty weak. you can definitely see them sneaking in with a wild card spot. A team looked at most to be eying for a new QB in the offseason it really seems like Russel Wislon and Sean Payton have figured out some chemistry with each other.  The Broncos season certainly comes down to the last few weeks of football and the outcomes will determine many jobs being sealed or opened up in the offseaso

Entry #7 The Blog About Nothing....

Fresh   After watching the documentary "Fresh," a cascade of thoughts and reflections surges through the mind, unveiling a profound contemplation of the origins and impact of our food. The film acts as a potent catalyst, urging viewers to scrutinize the source of the sustenance on their plates. It's a wake-up call, inviting us to question the often overlooked journey of our food from farm to table. The purpose of "Fresh" appears multifaceted. At its core, it strives to shed light on the flaws of the industrialized food system while presenting alternative, sustainable models. It champions the idea of supporting local, organic agriculture, highlighting its potential to foster environmental health and social well-being. The intended audience for the film seems broad, encompassing both individuals already invested in sustainable living and those who might not have contemplated the repercussions of their food choices deeply. The tone is a call to action, urging viewe

Entry #6 The Blog About Nothing....

 FOOTBALL FOOTBALL FOOTBALL! Oh how I love writing about football. Lets get right into it. The Bengals are so back. It seems like Cincinnati's favorite thing to do every year is to pretend they suck in the first few weeks and then decide to become the best team in the NFL halfway through the season. Joe Burrow is healthy, Jamar Chase continues to dominate, and the defense is playing well too. They do have their work cut out for them, though, because the Ravens are red-hot, the Browns' defense is almost impenetrable, and somehow the Mike Tomlin-led Steelers just continue to keep winning. All of the AFC North teams are competitive right now. I just personally see the Bengals continuing to dominate while the others slow down as the season carries along. In my eyes, come January, they will be in the playoffs one way or another. The Eagles and Chiefs are showcasing an impressive level of consistency and even improvement this season. The Eagles' execution of the "tush push&q

Entry #5 The Blog About Nothing....

If you've ever watched TV, chances are you've encountered State Farm's " Mayhem " commercials. These quirky ads, featuring the charismatic character known as Mayhem, might seem like a bundle of laughs, but there's more to them than meets the eye. In this blog, we'll peel back the layers to discover what makes these commercials tick, the lifestyle they promote, and the values they champion. What's the Mayhem All About? Mayhem's mission is to make you feel, well, a little on edge. The ads take you on an emotional rollercoaster – you'll laugh, cringe, and feel that itch to call your insurance agent, all in under a minute. The bottom line? These ads want you to get why insurance is a must. Living the Prepared Life: The commercials are selling you a lifestyle, one marked by responsibility and security. They shout, "Be ready for anything!" It's like having a superhero costume in your closet, but instead of capes, it's a comprehensiv

Entry #4 The Blog about Nothin....

Hello football fans! As we approach the halfway point of the NFL season, the landscape of winners and losers for 2023 is starting to take shape. Let's take a closer look at some of the standout performances and developments so far. Winners: Get ready for the Lions' surprise resurgence in the NFL. Despite a tough loss to the Ravens, this team led by Head Coach Dan Campbell is defining grit. Their physical play and "bite some kneecaps " mentality showcase a squad that's more than wins and losses – it's a statement. The Lions are rewriting the underdog narrative, turning heads and keeping fans on the edge of their seats. In a league of unpredictability, the Lions are the captivating protagonists we didn't see coming. The roar of their resurgence is echoing through the NFL landscape. Its no wonder they currently find themselves on top of the NFC north.   In the world of success stories, Plenty of rookies are quickly making a name for themselves. One player tr