Babies first Blog!

 Hi friends, family, teachers, peers and whoever else may be stopping by to check out THE BLOG ABOUT NOTHING. We are gonna start this badboy off by refreshing you guys about who i am. 

The names Keegan Weiss. Chad also goes in between, but thats not any major info. I was born in the midwestern state of Illinois, right outside of chicago in a town called Des Plaines. I lived there until i was only about 3 years old, so no major memories and details about your favorite blogger come out of there. Besides go Cubbies and go Bears. After Des Plaines i moves out to Arizona where ive lived up until now. I also graduated high school in north phoenix from boulder creek high school and did a brief stint at Northern Arizona university for a while.

Im a pretty simple man for the most part. I grew up playing football 7 days a week 365 days a year which is a privilege i wish i could go back to having. I love sports (football is obviously my fav), i play video games, and with recent progress on my age ive gotten into the phenomenal hobby of drinking beers and singing karaoke at the local pub. Because of football ive had the luxury of having the same tight-nit group of friends for almost 10-15 years now. That is something I am quite grateful for because i really do not wanna have to meet more people at the wise age of 22. 

My goals at the moment are quite simple. Finish school and DO NOT lose focus on why you got back into this in the first place. Consistency is an art im trying to master these days and i can already feel myself improving in that aspect. Im sure you're all plenty curious as the why i got back into school and thats pretty simple... I don"t wanna live at my mommies house forever! On top of my mountain high goals i think what makes me a unique dude is that I am a really good "Chameleon". In the simplest terms i feel like i fit in well everywhere. I don't really struggle starting new conversation and I am a pretty good addition to the comedic presence of any room. Which I am more than sure you all know by now because ya'll probably ate this little blog up

Anyways don't be sad this blog is a shorty... you will all get plenty more of me in the upcoming months.... enough of me to be sick of most likely. :) 

Going forward i hope to focus this blog into thoughts about the football world. seeing as how this season is just about kick off. But for the time being i hope you have all gotten to know me a little bit better, and for the sake of my school goals try not to turn this into the #1 blogger overnight.  

With Love, 

Keegan (my friends call me keeg)


  1. Hi. Keegan, it was nice to know you. I really admire your passion for football. While playing, football you also make friends. I hope you still keep this friend until you are a grandpa. I hope I still have the motivation that you have to still play a sport. I can see that you have a great sense of humor. We will be waiting for your upcoming blog about football.

  2. How's it going Keegan, or can I say Keeg? It was interesting to read your post and get to see some of the humor you have. I grew up a bit similar to you with the privilege of playing baseball year round and sticking with the same group of friends, but since I was young I always pushed my father into letting me play football but he decided to only let me keep my talents with baseball and not risk getting injured on the football field, so you know I give him a hard time about that every chance I get.
    I see you set yourself a few goals and are doing the right things to work towards and achieve them. I hope you continue to stay consistent with it all and look forward to your future blog posts and seeing more of the comedic side of you!

  3. Hopefully you are doing well Keegan. It amazing to see someone as passionate as you about sports, you know can't relate... but my family is huge in following sports. It is nice to meet you through this blog of "nothing," so like we are basically besties already. No just kidding, but your a funny guy and ay if we ever meet that'll be fun.
    So keep it going, push through, stay consistent for your goals like you said and have a good day.

  4. Yooo, the boy Keeg ! Thats pretty cool to say you were born in a whole other state even tho you dont remember :/ Also dope you attended NAU for a bit hoping you're enjoying a community college type vibe. Wishing you still keep active after your football journey i played sports my whole life too mostly baseball throughout high school and bit for gcc, when ya stop playing something your whole life it kinda becomes a identity crisis after. Whenever you needa get carried in a game lemme know lol. Really hoping you accomplish your goals, wish you the best broski good luck!

  5. is angelo getting paid to reply to this like a discussion board?


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