Entry #3 The Blog about Nothin....

The Beginning of the end: As you stumble wearily into your house after yet another exhausting 10-hour shift, a familiar ritual begins—Sunday evening, the time for questioning your existence. Your feet ache, your head pounds, and your stomach feels like it's in knots. It's the kind of day when your bed calls your name, and you contemplate the meaning of life. But today is different. Today, something unexpected happens.

The Pocket Contents: You pull up a chair and, out of habit, begin to empty your pockets. Keys, phone, wallet—these are the usual suspects. Occasionally, a bit of dryer lint tags along for the ride. But as you empty your pockets today, something else joins the usual mix—a quarter-like object, wrapped in translucent packaging with vibrant red and white hues. You're baffled and ask yourself, "Why do I have this?"

The Epiphany: And then, it hits you like a bolt of lightning. Your day doesn't end with this double shift; you have a blog to write. A second wave of defeat washes over you, and your inviting bed seems more appealing than ever. However, duty calls, and as you collapse into your chair, feeling utterly drained. You open your keyboard, ready to face the task at hand. But before you begin typing, you begin unwrapping the timeless object that emerged from your pocket. The packaging proves stubborn, but you persevere. With closed eyes, you place the object in your mouth.

The Joy Unfolds: A wave of cool crispness engulfs your senses, reminiscent of a fresh breeze on a summer day. In this moment, joy emerges—a simple, unexpected joy. This unassuming object triggers a flood of memories from various chapters of your life. Your mind wanders to your first kiss, followed by a flashback to those agonizing state tests where the crispy coolness provided a glimmer of hope during hours of stifling silence. Who would have guessed that this item you grabbed from the dingy jar at work could resurrect those feelings?

The Final Act: You open your eyes, feeling both satisfied yet aware of your malnourishment, you succumb to the urge to bite down on it. It shatters like glass, sending a delightful sensation coursing from your cheeks to your tongue. You relish the final moments with it before swallowing.

The Unexpected Visitor: Your brother walks into the room, curious about the development of the newfound delight glowing from you in the brief five minutes since he last saw you. You shake your head and chuckle, sharing with him, "It's the little things, bud."

The Conclusion: In the midst of a demanding day, you've learned a valuable lesson—joy can be found in the most unexpected places and moments. It's the little things, like a simple, crispy cool object, that has the power to bring a smile to your face, even on the most challenging days. So, as you sit down, you do so with a newfound appreciation for life's small pleasures, because sometimes, they make all the difference.

Congratulations, You just experienced the best part of my day.

From Phoenix Arizona with sleep on my mind and love in my heart,



  1. Peppermints are a good classic when it comes to mints, and it was especially a fun experience for you to be a brief respite out of your long day. I like the setup of the experience and the imagery you pulled when you were actually consuming the mint.


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