Entry #1 The Blog about Nothing....

     Hello, good morning, good evening, and everything in between. Welcome back to the The Blog About Nothing.  I know last week I promised football, but the Universe had other plans and head coach called an audible so now were talking about.....(drumroll)  Other peoples Blogs!! I am sure you're all thinking what I was thinking and thats how you probably want to close this browser now. But, Stop! Breathe! And give me a chance here because i promise I will not and can not just let myself bore you guys. 

   Obviously. if we are gonna gossip about other peoples blogs were gonna talk football blogs. so rejoice! You all still get your football stimulation. 

    The first blog were gonna dissect is a blog talking Arizona Cardinals football. The Birds took a loss in the season opener to Everyone's favorite named team, The Washington Commanders. I was quite excited to check this blog out just so we could all see how a die hard Cardinals fan feels about losing. My fellow Blogger Sion, writing for Raising Zona  painted the picture for the game quite well. Immediately one thing that stood out to me in his blog was how before doing anything else Sion gave the reader a good idea of the overall game.  To me this seems quite important from a blogging standpoint because for a guy like me as an example i didn't watch the game. Telling me exactly what happened before telling me your opinion on it happening made it a lot easier to understand and relate to the blog. This blog is formatted in a multiple page type of way which i don't love, but i understand his use for it seeing as he is making multiple topics out of one topic in just one blog entry. I really did enjoy Zion's takeaways and two things i can confidently say is that the man knows football. And he doesn't let his feelings for the team get in the way of his recap for the game. Which for any sports reader is a dream come true. I bookmarked this blog and look forward to seeing their entries as the season carries on and the team finds their identity.

Next, we will be talking about a blog from the Green Bay Packers community. I just want to preface, this blog was hard for me regardless of the quality it produced. As a Chicago Bears fan who watched the Packers put on a hurting to my Bears, i didn't want to do this. But goin over to a sad Bears blog seemed like it would be harder on my mental health, so we found ourselves over at CheeseHeadTv . This blog was tough for me to read. Not just because it was covered in the hideous colors of Green and Gold but because I couldn't explore for longer than 10 seconds without a pop-up ad covering my whole screen. The overbearing ads weren't the only problem for me as well. When I went to look at the recap for the game there was no breakdown of the game and he only wrote opinions in bullet format which just did not give me anything really beneficial. This was all quite expected for me because, after all, What does Wisconsin produce that is good quality other than their cheese?

The third and final Blog I checked out hailed from the Big Apple, Not the Giants but the Jets. Personally I am a fan of the jets and was intrigued to see how the true Newyorker felt about the fresh start to the season. The Gang Green was by far my favorite blog just by set up alone. The blog's home page had everything it needed from a readers perspective which included upcoming schedule, to rosters. stats and rankings. The team pays their game Monday night so there was no recap from this blog yet but I explored the website and was really impressed by how easy this blog was to navigate. I read that this blog had been in online circulation since 2008 with over a million comments and entries. That showed me the only real way to figure out the right way to do this blogging thing is by being consistent and allowing your readers to trust that you'll be back with more to say in the near future. This was another blog i bookmarked and can promise I will be visiting again. 

Overall each of these blogs did show me something. Whether it was what i should do or i shouldn't do, I did learn from their examples. My biggest takeaway though was that in the art of blogging there is no wrong or right blogging style. Finding your niche and clique of people to read your blog is the true problem to focus on. Building a form of trust between yourselves and the readers comes next and consistency is something that can only help a blog. 

I hope you guys all check out these blogs and let me know your opinions on them! Other than that i got nothing for you folks... Enjoy yourselves, have some fun, and watch some football!!


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